  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Interface DialogflowApp<TConvData, TUserStorage, TContexts, TConversation>

Type parameters



Optional auth


Optional init

init: undefined | function


ordersv3: boolean

Optional verification





  • Sets the IntentHandler to be execute when the fulfillment is called with a given Dialogflow intent name.

    Type parameters


    • intent: DefaultDialogflowIntent | DefaultDialogflowIntent[]

      The Dialogflow intent name to match. When given an array, sets the IntentHandler for any intent name in the array.

    • handler: DialogflowIntentHandler<TConvData, TUserStorage, TContexts, TConversation, TParameters, Argument> | string

      The IntentHandler to be executed when the intent name is matched. When given a string instead of a function, the intent fulfillment will be redirected to the IntentHandler of the redirected intent name.

    Returns this

  • Sets the IntentHandler to be execute when the fulfillment is called with a given Dialogflow intent name.

    Type parameters


    • intent: DefaultDialogflowIntent | DefaultDialogflowIntent[]

      The Dialogflow intent name to match. When given an array, sets the IntentHandler for any intent name in the array.

    • handler: DialogflowIntentHandler<TConvData, TUserStorage, TContexts, TConversation, Parameters, TArgument> | string

      The IntentHandler to be executed when the intent name is matched. When given a string instead of a function, the intent fulfillment will be redirected to the IntentHandler of the redirected intent name.

    Returns this

  • Sets the IntentHandler to be execute when the fulfillment is called with a given Dialogflow intent name.

    Type parameters


    • intent: DefaultDialogflowIntent | DefaultDialogflowIntent[]

      The Dialogflow intent name to match. When given an array, sets the IntentHandler for any intent name in the array.

    • handler: DialogflowIntentHandler<TConvData, TUserStorage, TContexts, TConversation, TParameters, TArgument> | string

      The IntentHandler to be executed when the intent name is matched. When given a string instead of a function, the intent fulfillment will be redirected to the IntentHandler of the redirected intent name.

    Returns this

  • Sets the IntentHandler to be execute when the fulfillment is called with a given Dialogflow intent name.

    Type parameters


    • intent: string | string[]

      The Dialogflow intent name to match. When given an array, sets the IntentHandler for any intent name in the array.

    • handler: DialogflowIntentHandler<TConvData, TUserStorage, TContexts, TConversation, TParameters, Argument> | string

      The IntentHandler to be executed when the intent name is matched. When given a string instead of a function, the intent fulfillment will be redirected to the IntentHandler of the redirected intent name.

    Returns this

  • Sets the IntentHandler to be execute when the fulfillment is called with a given Dialogflow intent name.

    Type parameters


    • intent: string | string[]

      The Dialogflow intent name to match. When given an array, sets the IntentHandler for any intent name in the array.

    • handler: DialogflowIntentHandler<TConvData, TUserStorage, TContexts, TConversation, Parameters, TArgument> | string

      The IntentHandler to be executed when the intent name is matched. When given a string instead of a function, the intent fulfillment will be redirected to the IntentHandler of the redirected intent name.

    Returns this

  • Sets the IntentHandler to be execute when the fulfillment is called with a given Dialogflow intent name.

    Type parameters


    • intent: string | string[]

      The Dialogflow intent name to match. When given an array, sets the IntentHandler for any intent name in the array.

    • handler: DialogflowIntentHandler<TConvData, TUserStorage, TContexts, TConversation, TParameters, TArgument> | string

      The IntentHandler to be executed when the intent name is matched. When given a string instead of a function, the intent fulfillment will be redirected to the IntentHandler of the redirected intent name.

    Returns this


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