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Class Incoming


  • Incoming





parsed: IncomingMessage[] = []



  • Gets the Dialogflow incoming messages as an iterator. Messages are converted into client library class instances or a string. See {@link Incoming#get|conv.incoming.get} for details on how the conversion works.

    // Dialogflow
    const app = dialogflow()
    // Create messages in the Dialogflow Console Intent Responses section
    app.intent('Default Welcome Intent', conv => {
      const messages = [...conv.incoming]
      // do something with the messages
      // or just spread them out back to the user
      conv.ask(`Here's what was set in the Dialogflow console`)

    Returns IterableIterator<string | JsonObject | SimpleResponse | BasicCard | LinkOutSuggestion | Suggestions | Image | Carousel | List>


  • get<TMessage>(type: object): TMessage
  • get(type: "string"): string
  • Gets the first Dialogflow incoming message with the given type. Messages are converted into client library class instances or a string.

    Only messages with the platform field unlabeled (for generic use) or labeled ACTIONS_ON_GOOGLE (google in v1) will be converted and read.

    The conversation is detailed below for a specific message oneof:

    • Generic Platform Response
      • text -> typeof string
      • image -> Image
      • quickReplies -> Suggestions
      • card -> BasicCard
    • Actions on Google Response
      • simpleResponses -> SimpleResponse[]
      • basicCard -> BasicCard
      • suggestions -> Suggestions
      • linkOutSuggestion -> LinkOutSuggestion
      • listSelect -> List
      • carouselSelect -> Carousel
      • payload -> typeof object

    Dialogflow v1:

    • Generic Platform Response
      • 0 (text) -> typeof string
      • 3 (image) -> Image
      • 1 (card) -> BasicCard
      • 2 (quick replies) -> Suggestions
      • 4 (custom payload) -> typeof object
    • Actions on Google Response
      • simple_response -> SimpleResponse
      • basic_card -> BasicCard
      • list_card -> List
      • suggestion_chips -> Suggestions
      • carousel_card -> Carousel
      • link_out_chip -> LinkOutSuggestion
      • custom_payload -> typeof object
    // Dialogflow
    const { dialogflow, BasicCard } = require('actions-on-google')
    const app = dialogflow()
    // Create an Actions on Google Basic Card in the Dialogflow Console Intent Responses section
    app.intent('Default Welcome Intent', conv => {
      const str = conv.incoming.get('string') // get the first text response
      const card = conv.incoming.get(BasicCard) // gets the instance of BasicCard
      // Do something with the Basic Card

    Type parameters


    • type: object

      A string checking for the typeof message or a class checking for instanceof message

    Returns TMessage

  • Parameters

    • type: "string"

    Returns string

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