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Interface TableOptions


  • TableOptions


Optional buttons

Buttons for the Table. Currently at most 1 button is supported.

Optional columnProperties

columnProperties: (string | TableColumn)[]

Headers and alignment of columns.

This property or columns is required.

When provided as string array, just the header field is set per column.

Optional columns

columns: (string | TableColumn)[] | number

Headers and alignment of columns with shortened name. Alias of columnProperties with the additional capability of accepting a number type.

This property or columnProperties is required.

When provided as string array, just the header field is set per column. When provided a number, it represents the number of elements per row.

Optional dividers

dividers: undefined | false | true

Default dividerAfter for all rows. Individual rows with dividerAfter set will override for that specific row.

Optional image

image: Api.GoogleActionsV2UiElementsImage

Image associated with the table.


rows: (string[] | TableRow)[]

Row data of the table.

The first 3 rows are guaranteed to be shown but others might be cut on certain surfaces. Please test with the simulator to see which rows will be shown for a given surface.

On surfaces that support the WEB_BROWSER capability, you can point the user to a web page with more data.

Optional subtitle

subtitle: undefined | string

Subtitle for the table.

Optional title

title: undefined | string

Overall title of the table.

Must be set if subtitle is set.

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