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Interface GoogleActionsV2Argument


  • GoogleActionsV2Argument


Optional boolValue

boolValue: undefined | false | true

Specified when query pattern includes a $org.schema.type.YesNo type or expected input has a built-in intent: actions.intent.CONFIRMATION. NOTE: if the boolean value is missing, it represents false.

Optional datetimeValue

Specified for the built-in intent: actions.intent.DATETIME.

Optional extension

extension: ApiClientObjectMap<any>

Extension whose type depends on the argument. For example, if the argument name is SIGN_IN for the actions.intent.SIGN_IN intent, then this extension will contain a SignInValue value.

Optional floatValue

floatValue: undefined | number

Specified for built-in intent: "actions.intent.NUMBER"

Optional intValue

intValue: undefined | string

Specified when query pattern includes a $org.schema.type.Number type or expected input has a built-in intent: "assistant.intent.action.NUMBER".

Optional name

name: undefined | string

Name of the argument being provided for the input.

Optional placeValue

Specified when query pattern includes a $org.schema.type.Location type or expected input has a built-in intent: "actions.intent.PLACE".

Optional rawText

rawText: undefined | string

The raw text, typed or spoken, that provided the value for the argument.

Optional status

Specified when an error was encountered while computing the argument. For example, the built-in intent "actions.intent.PLACE" can return an error status if the user denied the permission to access their device location.

Optional structuredValue

structuredValue: ApiClientObjectMap<any>

Specified when Google needs to pass data value in JSON format.

Optional textValue

textValue: undefined | string

Specified when query pattern includes a $org.schema.type.Text type or expected input has a built-in intent: actions.intent.TEXT, or actions.intent.OPTION. Note that for the OPTION intent, we set the text_value as option key, the raw_text above will indicate the raw span in user's query.

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