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Interface GoogleActionsV2User


  • GoogleActionsV2User


Optional accessToken

accessToken: undefined | string

An OAuth2 token that identifies the user in your system. Only available if the user links their account.

Optional idToken

idToken: undefined | string

Token representing the user's identity. This is a Json web token including encoded profile. The definition is at https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect#obtainuserinfo.

Optional lastSeen

lastSeen: undefined | string

The timestamp of the last interaction with this user. This field will be omitted if the user has not interacted with the agent before.

Optional locale

locale: undefined | string

Primary locale setting of the user making the request. Follows IETF BCP-47 language code http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt However, the script subtag is not included.

Optional packageEntitlements

packageEntitlements: GoogleActionsV2PackageEntitlement[]

List of user entitlements for every package name listed in the Action package, if any.

Optional permissions

Contains permissions granted by user to this Action.

Optional profile

Information about the end user. Some fields are only available if the user has given permission to provide this information to the Action.

Optional userId

userId: undefined | string

Unique ID for the end user.

Optional userStorage

userStorage: undefined | string

An opaque token supplied by the application that is persisted across conversations for a particular user. The maximum size of the string is 10k characters.

Optional userVerificationStatus

Indicates the verification status of the user.

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