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Interface GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentMethodTokenizationParameters


  • GoogleActionsV2OrdersPaymentMethodTokenizationParameters


Optional parameters

parameters: ApiClientObjectMap<string>

If tokenization_type is set to PAYMENT_GATEWAY then the list of parameters should contain payment gateway specific parameters required to tokenize payment method as well as parameter with the name \"gateway\" with the value set to one of the gateways that we support e.g. \"stripe\" or \"braintree\". A sample tokenization configuration used for Stripe in JSON format. { \"gateway\" : \"stripe\", \"stripe:publishableKey\" : \"pk_1234\", \"stripe:version\" : \"1.5\" } A sample tokenization configuration used for Braintree in JSON format. { \"gateway\" : \"braintree\", \"braintree:merchantId\" : \"abc\" \"braintree:sdkVersion\" : \"1.4.0\" \"braintree:apiVersion\" : \"v1\" \"braintree:clientKey\" : \"production_a12b34\" \"braintree:authorizationFingerprint\" : \"production_a12b34\" } A sample configuration used for Adyen in JSON format. { \"gateway\" : \"adyen\", \"gatewayMerchantId\" : \"gateway-merchant-id\" } If tokenization_type is set to DIRECT, integrators must specify a parameter named \"publicKey\" which will contain an Elliptic Curve public key using the uncompressed point format and base64 encoded. This publicKey will be used by Google to encrypt the payment information. Example of the parameter in JSON format: { \"publicKey\": \"base64encoded...\" }

Optional tokenizationType


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