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Interface PaymentMethodDisplayInfo

The display info of the payment method used for the transaction.

Payment result used by integrator for completing a transaction.

Payment result used by integrator for completing a transaction.


  • PaymentMethodDisplayInfo


Optional paymentMethodDisplayName

paymentMethodDisplayName: undefined | string

User visible name of the payment method. For example, VISA ** 1234 Checking acct ** 5678

Optional paymentMethodVoiceName

paymentMethodVoiceName: undefined | string

Payment method name to be spoken out to the user for voice-only assistant devices. For example, "visa ending in one two three four", or "checking account ending in five six seven eight". Note: This is the voice-optimized string to be used instead of the payment_method_display_name for voice-only assistant devices. If this string is not set, payment_method_display_name will instead be spoken out to the user.

Optional paymentType

paymentType: PaymentType

The type of the payment.

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