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Interface PriceAttribute

Price attribute of an order or a line item.

Cost of this option.

Relevant in case of PRICE_CHANGED / INCORRECT_PRICE error type.

Cost of this option.

Relevant in case of PRICE_CHANGED / INCORRECT_PRICE error type.


  • PriceAttribute


Optional amount

amount: Money

Monetary amount.

Optional amountMillipercentage

amountMillipercentage: undefined | number

The percentage spec, to 1/1000th of a percent. Eg: 8.750% is represented as 8750, negative percentages represent percentage discounts. Deprecating this field. Can consider adding back when a solid usecase is required.

Optional id

id: undefined | string

Optional: Id of the lineitem to which this price corresponds.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

Required: User displayed string of the price attribute. This is sent and localized by merchant.

Optional state

state: State

Required: State of the price: Estimate vs Actual.

Optional taxIncluded

taxIncluded: undefined | false | true

Whether the price is tax included.

Optional type

Required: Type of money attribute.

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