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Class User

Encapsulates data for the conversation's user.

const app = conversation()

app.handle('My_Handler', conv => {
 if (conv.user.params.myParam === myValue) {
   // param processing




Optional accountLinkingStatus

accountLinkingStatus: AccountLinkingStatus

Whether the user account is linked to the app.

Optional engagement

engagement: Engagement

The engagement of the current user including any subscriptions to intents.

Optional lastSeenTime

lastSeenTime: undefined | string

The timestamp of the last interaction with this user. This field will be omitted if the user has not interacted with the agent before.

Optional locale

locale: string

Primary locale setting of the user making the request. Follows IETF BCP-47 language code http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt However, the script subtag is not included. Primary locale setting of the user making the request. Follows IETF BCP-47 language code http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt However, the script subtag is not included.

Optional packageEntitlements

packageEntitlements: PackageEntitlements[]

User's entitlements related to the Android package associated with the current action.

Optional params

params: JsonObject

Optional. List of all parameters associated with the current user. List of all parameters associated with the current user.

Optional verificationStatus

verificationStatus: VerificationStatus

Indicates the verification status of the user.

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