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Class OrderUpdate




Optional order

order: Order

Optional reason

reason: undefined | string

Reason for the change/update.

Optional type

Deprecated: Use OrderUpdate.update_mask instead. If type = SNAPSHOT, OrderUpdate.order should be the entire order. If type = ORDER_STATUS, this is the order level status change. Only order.last_update_time and this vertical status are picked up. Note: type.ORDER_STATUS only supports PurcahaseOrderExtension status updates and there is no plan to extend this support. Instead, we recommend using update_mask as it is more generic, extensible and can be used for all verticals.

Optional updateMask

updateMask: undefined | string

Note: There are following consideration/recommendations for following special fields: 1. order.last_update_time will always be updated as part of the update request. 2. order.create_time, order.google_order_id and order.merchant_order_id will be ignored if provided as part of the update_mask.

Optional userNotification

userNotification: UserNotification

If specified, displays a notification to the user with the specified title and text. Specifying a notification is a suggestion to notify and is not guaranteed to result in a notification.

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