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Interface LineItem

One line item contains one vertical. An order or cart can have multiple line items of same vertical. Sub-line items/add-ons etc should be defined in vertical protos depending on their use cases. Note: 1. All strings at all levels must be less than 1000 chars unless otherwise specified. 2. All repeated fields at all levels must be less than 50 in count unless otherwise specified. 3. All timestamps at all levels, if specified, must be valid timestamps.


  • LineItem


Optional description

description: undefined | string

Line item description.

Optional disclosures

disclosures: Disclosure[]

Disclosures associated with this line item.

Optional followUpActions

followUpActions: Action[]

Follow up actions at line item.

Optional id

id: undefined | string

Required: Merchant assigned identifier for line item. Used for identifying existing line item in applying partial updates. Max allowed length is 64 chars.

Optional image

Small image associated with this item, if any.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

Name of line item as displayed on the receipt. Max allowed length is 100 chars.

Optional notes

notes: string[]

Additional notes applicable to this particular line item, for example cancellation policy.

Optional priceAttributes

priceAttributes: PriceAttribute[]

Line item level price and adjustments.

Optional provider

provider: Merchant

The provider of the particular line item, if different from the overall order. Example: Expedia Order with line item provider ANA.

Optional purchase

Purchase orders like goods, food etc.

Optional recipients

recipients: UserInfo[]

Line item level customers, this could be different from Order level buyer. Example: User X made restaurant reservation under name of user Y.

Optional reservation

Reservation orders like restaurant, haircut etc.

Optional userVisibleStateLabel

userVisibleStateLabel: undefined | string

Deprecated. Use vertical level status instead. For example, for purchases, use PurchaseOrderExtension.status. User visible label for the state of this line item.

Optional vertical

vertical: undefined | object

Deprecated: Use verticals instead. Required: Semantic Contents of line item based on its type/vertical. Every vertical should include its own fulfillment details. Must be either one of the following values: google.actions.orders.v3.verticals.purchase.PurchaseItemExtension google.actions.orders.v3.verticals.reservation.ReservationItemExtension google.actions.orders.v3.verticals.ticket.TicketItemExtension

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