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Interface Prompt

Optional. Represents the prompts to be sent to the user, these prompts will be appended to previously added messages unless explicitly overwritten.

Represent a response to a user.


  • Prompt

Implemented by


Optional canvas

canvas: Canvas

Optional. Represents a Interactive Canvas response to be sent to the user.

Optional content

content: Content

Optional. A content like a card, list or media to display to the user.

Optional firstSimple

firstSimple: Simple

Optional. The first voice and text-only response.

Optional lastSimple

lastSimple: Simple

Optional. The last voice and text-only response.

Optional link

link: Link

Optional. An additional suggestion chip that can link out to the associated app or site. The chip will be rendered with the title "Open ". Max 20 chars.

Optional orderUpdate

orderUpdate: OrderUpdate

Optional Action responds with an OrderUpdate after receiving the order during the transactions flow. On receipt of this, Google records this update to the order, and if successful, displays a receipt card along with the TTS sent on display devices.

Optional override

override: undefined | false | true

Optional. Mode for how this messages should be merged with previously defined messages. "true" clears all previously defined messages (first and last simple, content, suggestions link and canvas) and adds messages defined in this prompt. "false" adds messages defined in this prompt to messages defined in previous responses. Leaving this field to "false" also enables appending to some fields inside Simple prompts, the Suggestions prompt, and the Canvas prompt (part of the Content prompt). The Content and Link messages are always overwritten if defined in the prompt. Default value is "false".

Optional suggestions

suggestions: Suggestion[]

Optional. Suggestions to be displayed to the user which will always appear at the end of the response. If the "override" field in the containing prompt is "false", the titles defined in this field will be added to titles defined in any previously defined suggestions prompts and duplicate values will be removed.

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