Similar to a collection, collection browse is a rich response that allows
users to scroll through option cards. Collection browse is designed
specifically for web content and opens the selected tile in a web browser
(or an AMP browser if all tiles are AMP-enabled).
Collection browse responses contain a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10
tiles. On display-capable devices, users can swipe up or down to scroll
through cards before selecting an item.
app.handle('collectionBrowse', (conv) => {conv.add('This is a collection browse.');conv.add(newCollectionBrowse({'imageFill':'WHITE','items': [ {'title':'Item #1','description':'Description of Item #1','footer':'Footer of Item #1','image': {'url':'' },'openUriAction': {'url':'' } }, {'title':'Item #2','description':'Description of Item #2','footer':'Footer of Item #2','image': {'url':'' },'openUriAction': {'url':'' } } ] }));});
Similar to a collection, collection browse is a rich response that allows users to scroll through option cards. Collection browse is designed specifically for web content and opens the selected tile in a web browser (or an AMP browser if all tiles are AMP-enabled).
Collection browse responses contain a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10 tiles. On display-capable devices, users can swipe up or down to scroll through cards before selecting an item.
Developer Documentation