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Interface HandlerResponse

Represents a response sent from a developer's fulfillment to Actions on Google.


  • HandlerResponse


Optional device

device: Device

Optional. Use to move between Assistant devices the user has access to.

Optional expected

expected: Expected

Optional. Describes the expectations for the next dialog turn.

Optional home

home: Home

Optional. Used to specify parameters related to the HomeGraph structure that the target device belongs to. See https://developers.google.com/actions/smarthome/concepts/homegraph.

Optional prompt

prompt: Prompt

Optional. Represents the prompts to be sent to the user, these prompts will be appended to previously added messages unless explicitly overwritten.

Optional scene

scene: Scene

Optional. Represents the current and next scene. If Scene.next is set the runtime will immediately transition to the specified scene.

Optional session

session: Session

Optional. Describes data for the current session, session parameters can be created, updated, or removed by the fulfillment.

Optional user

user: User

Optional. Use to specify user parameters to send back.

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