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Interface PurchasePurchaseFulfillmentInfo

Fulfillment info for this line item. If unset, this line item inherits order level fulfillment info.

Fulfillment info associated with a purchase order or a particular line item.

Fulfillment info for the order.

Fulfillment info associated with a purchase order or a particular line item.

Fulfillment info for the order.


  • PurchasePurchaseFulfillmentInfo


Optional expectedFulfillmentTime

expectedFulfillmentTime: Time

A window if a time-range is specified or ETA if single time specified. Expected delivery or pickup time.

Optional expectedPreparationTime

expectedPreparationTime: Time

A window if a time-range is specified or ETA if single time specified. Expected time to prepare the food. Single-time preferred.

Optional expireTime

expireTime: undefined | string

Time at which this fulfillment option expires.

Optional fulfillmentContact

fulfillmentContact: UserInfo

User contact for this fulfillment.

Optional fulfillmentType

fulfillmentType: FulfillmentType

Required: The type of fulfillment.

Optional id

id: undefined | string

Unique identifier for this service option.

Optional location

location: V2Location

Pickup or delivery location.

Optional pickupInfo

pickupInfo: PurchasePickupInfo

Additional information regarding how order would be picked. This field would only be applicable when fulfillment type is PICKUP.

Optional price

Cost of this option.

Optional shippingMethodName

shippingMethodName: undefined | string

Name of the shipping method selected by the user.

Optional storeCode

storeCode: undefined | string

StoreCode of the location. Example: Walmart is the merchant and store_code is the walmart store where fulfillment happened. https://support.google.com/business/answer/3370250?ref_topic=4596653.

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